Why women??? Why naked???

At first I started my art journey experimenting with eclectic backgrounds and landscapes that made my paintings come to life.
However with appreciation for fine detail and beauty my inclinations toward nature and the female spirit began to merge. I am trying to fully encompass the elegance, strengths, and vulnerabilities of both femininity and nature.
My work is alluring and has a hint of whimsy. It delves into the fascination of women, in both our conscious and subconscious ideals of the female role in society. Often times black women are depicted as this hyper sexualized video vixen.
I am constantly trying to submerse myself in the subject matter that is ingrained and full of culture, strength and power. Removing the material pocessions shows her strength comes from the natural beauty of the skin she is in. My work is infused with a variety of cultural, environmental, sociological, dreamscapes and sometimes slight political references. My influences serve as an amalgamation bringing my world and the dream world to life through deliberate references and reverent imagery, with the finished work deriving strength and beauty from the the strong women who raised me. My playfulness in my brush stroke is a constant struggle with the reality and dreamland itself.
Forbidden Fruit
Is a drawing that came to me while thinking about a painting I did called 'Flesh of my flesh'. Also thinking about how sin was born. I will delve a little deeper after I create the painting.
