
Hi guys my mind has been on the beach these days. Well more like in the valley. But I'm slowly coming out of my funk. Just wanted to share some photos and new prints. 
Last two art shows 
In All Her Glory at Huntington
Me running around like my was my head cut off. I kept losing my moms keys only to realize my sister had them and knew I was searching for them but I guess she has to get her pleasures were she can lol.

My artist colleagues Ebony Kirby and Sadrea Mohammed

Me and Artist Jason Blount

My feet were killing me by the end of the night so off they came. Sadrea captured this cool pic and I love it! 

Michelle Mikk Parish founder of Her Story7 and visual artist

Stephanie Shapiro art curator

Singer and DJ Deborah Bond and my art

Artist Jessica Hopkins discussing her work of art.

click on image for more info
Decaying Dreams


Most recent collab show with Sadrea Mohammed at Huntington.
My wall
The entire space panoramic view
Okay so you wonder why the funk?? Well between learning that your passion is not important to folks such as your girlfriends. To losing out on what I thought was a golden opportunity. Then suffering from a very serious health scare. Then witnessing the blatant unjust our country and law enforcement has shown the family of 17 year Trayvon Martin. I just feel blah and uninspired I haven't done hardly anything creative aside from a few doodles in weeks. 

I know I know this too will pass...


Robin said…
What a beautiful showing..you are a wonderful talent..your colors..your style...I know about funk too..I dont know why but I have it too...doodles count though...keep creating...Have a great day..!