I sold another card at work today. However there aren't any sales on Etsy yet. I posted on some of the forums that had to do with critiquing. Fortunately no one had anything bad to say. I did post on one that was for artist and I got some really helpful info. Some did say that its hard to sell original art on Etsy. I'm going to look for some galleries and fall festivals. I think I'm going to try Ebay as well. I'm not giving up. It hasn't even been that long that I've started back doing this. I know its just a matter of me getting my name out there. I want to keep adding new work but it can get pretty expensive if no one is buying.
I love painting its funny how I've always known how to, but here I am just now taking it serious at 34. I guess when things come naturally one might take it for granted when your young and silly. It truly brings me such pleasure. I could definitely do this all day. I honestly can say I would truly be happy painting and drawing perhaps even sculpting in my studio all day long. Maybe I would do hair just three days out of the week.

I want to be painting and creating right now. Maybe I'll get into creating ACEO's which stands for art cards editions and originals. Supplies can be endless as long as the measurements are 3.5x2.5.
Another thing that's on my mind is how slow its been at the salon for all but two of the stylist.
I really am worried...I'm on a holistic detox program to help me get healthy from the inside out. This program isn't by far cheap. At times I feel like I'm robbing Peter to pay Paul. To be honest I wish I could eliminate Paul all together.
LOL I guess I'm a true starving artist. Gotta laugh to keep from crying.
