Well folks last night concluded the end of the Hardrock Live Summer Soul Series or any season left in the year. It went out with a bang.
I'm still painting live at many other places and I even have request to paint at some other venues as well. It still amazes me when I think about 2010 and all that has happened. I am so close yet not close enough to my goals. People seeing from the outside think I'm this busy established artist yet I know my issues and struggles as do the people close to me. I can admit that even I see my growth. I will always be learning, absorbing, thinking and growing as an artist. I think life in general is an excellent teacher. Sometimes you don't see the value in some lessons until much later in life.
On a sadder note there isn't day that doesn't go by where I don't think about my Uncle Darel M. Alston who was killed in January. Its hard to believe he was here, home for 6 months and now he's gone except this time for good. He has been dead for 8 months and everyday there is something in my daily life that reminds me of him. Something as simple as the raw honey I picked up in the store...the last time I bought any was when I was with him.
A few nights ago I saw a shooting star and wished a wish. I know he can't be brought back but I hope his spirit lies with GOD.