"Passive income is an income received on a regular basis, with little effort required to maintain it. It is closely related to the concept of "unearned income". The American Internal Revenue Service categorizes income into three broad types, active (earned) income,passive (unearned) income, and portfolioincome."
The ever continuing journey to create a life where I can monetize off my hobbies. However in doing so I definitely desire to create streams of income from passive money flow. So that even while I'm creating, teaching, or doing absolutely nothing I'm still generating sales.
So here is the latest endeavor
#blackgirlmagic coloring books. I will sell these books any and everywhere I can possibly sell them! Here is a sneak preview of what magical goodness that is in store.
Yes that's right 20 pages of beautiful images of crowns of glory! Showcasing natural hair and relaxed, with animal prints, kente inspired patterns and more! The goal is to allow the RichAnt art lovers collaborate with RichAnt the artist.
I'm currently in the process of looking for self publishing companies that allow for print and production to take place on a larger format of 9x12 or even better 11x14.
To be continued and coming very soon!