Day 28 of 30 Days With God

This has truly been a life altering journey. I'm so excited to see what God's going to do in these next few months. Although I'm looking forward to the campaign launch of my next journey, I'm a bit nervous about re-activating certain profiles. I think the best thing for me will be to use those platforms through the web browser. Nearing the end of 30 days with God I would have never thought a year ago this is where I'd be. Normally I'd say I would not have changed a thing but that's not all together true. However to God be all the glory! Even when I had forsaken him he didn't turn around and do the same. Instead he forgave me and loved me through my mess and allowed me to be made whole again.

I am so grateful. I wish I could say I felt completely confident in myself but I am fully confident n the God I serve because he is faithful.
