Now that the event is over I am able to post all the new originals in my online store. I will still be looking for a permanent place to display them until they are sold...
However in the meantime I try to keep my art affordable (for now anyway). My largest piece 30x40 the most detailed piece is still under $500.00. After all I would rather my art be displayed on the walls of your homes or businesses than in my garage. I even offer installment plans for my original artwork. I also do a small percentage off if you consider purchasing more than one piece even. Not to mention the only positive of me not having constant gallery representation is I can keep your cost down.
But I know times are still rough and funds are limited.
So I am offering my latest body of work as prints before the originals are even sold!
I have a few different options below.
First is...
Engrained collectively as one entire print 13x19 matted $45 and non matted $35.
just click on image for more info.
Also if you are interested in 12x12 matted individual prints of each image let me know by clicking here.
Next is...
A Colored Study collective print. The info is same as the above print but you can click on image for more info.
And last but not least...
Set of 4 of the above prints individually matted $144 and non matted $112.
Click image for more info.
Also lets not forget I have other prints and wearable art all under $50.00.
Buying handmade and from small businesses for the holidays not only means your supporting your favorite artisans but your giving unique gifts.
Stay tuned for my give away vlog coming up tomorrow. It's just a little token of appreciation for my loyal fans and collectors of my art. Thank You xoxo. Peace and blessings.