I think I've lost it again I had two events this Saturday and then the regular Sunday at Liv with BlackAlleyband but I have no juice in me. I'm stressed because monthly expenses are piling up and I have no idea of what to create nor do I have the energy. Nor the desire to go down to my space to try to muster up the inspiration. I think the space itself is taking a toll on me. I create all these awesome paintings when I paint live but why can't I reproduce that here at home as of late. Not to mention I haven't done youtube in ages. I spend a lot of time surfing the internet. I remember a time in my life when I didn't turn my computer on for days maybe even weeks. And it wasn't because it didn't work either.
Now I'm a social media whore.
Virtually fulfilling my voyeuristic tendencies. Watching others live out their dreams or not.
I mean don't get me wrong I have been busy this summer but I know what it really takes to make this dream of mine happen and I really need to step my game up major big time. I need to just unplug and refresh and then just create. If lack of money weren't an issue for me right now...I'd take a break from live painting and hair jump in the car with my art supplies and a few comfy but cute paint clothes and find somewhere to woosah.
It would be cool if there was a Mr.Miyagi of the art world who could take me in as his little grasshopper lol.
I have the hardest time staying focused. I'm pretty positive everything will work out fine this weekend but I am a bit anxious.