Sensory Overload in a good way

These photos evoke some strong emotions for me. Its obvious from the looks of my blog that I love all things brocade and all things purple and jewel tones. I happened to be reading over on a blog that showcases home designs and artist/crafters and WOW I am in love. 
Nothing gets my heart racing like a beautifully decorated home that has lots of color, texture and patterns that resonate  POSHness to the fullest.
All of these photo's can be clicked on but the designer mastermind behind all this luxorius goodness is Tricia Guild of the
I mean add in some light airy White Patchouli in the air and my senses will be in overload heaven.

Let's not even get started to the rooms architectural detail...the windows alone "TO DIE FOR!"
 Not only does Tricia create beautifully upholstered furnishings but she has wallpaper and a host of other things like bedding, bath stuff, home accessories etc etc.

This picture right here just makes me all warm and velvety on the inside...
Why are all the cool places like this always in the UK???


Anonymous said…
You certainly have great taste and I love purple too. Maybe you should open a place like this here and sell your art as well. Best of both worlds right?
The Rich Ant said…
Thank you and yes that is the plan one day...