I swear year after year it seems like the time just moves faster and faster.
Could it be because I'm getting older? It's not because I'm having all this fun that's for sure.
I mean from week to week the days seem to run together. Me being a hairstylist my weekend begins when I get off on Saturday and I blink and it seems like Saturday again. I kinda feel like I'm in this weird trance and if I'm not careful I'm going to miss out.
You know the tricky thing about time is you can fool yourself into thinking you have more but in actuality its the one thing no amount of money can buy you more of.
I even make these silly promises to myself that I'm going to do more the next weekend, of course the next weekend has come and gone. My last blog was all about an optimistic journey to a brand new day. I really want that to be the case. Really....
I feel optimistic yet anxious at the same time. I know that God willing one day I'll look up and my kids will be grown and I'll be older and more time will have came and gone. I just hope and pray I will have accomplished some things I had hope to accomplished.
The only problem is how do the successful people stay focused? I certainly have ADD or so it feels. lol I wanna lose weight, go out more, paint daily, network more, travel more, have a gallery showing, fall in love again, take my kids on a really nice vacation and just live out loud instead of from the side lines.
Today I realized that tomorrow is Christmas and since funds have been very tight I kinda haven't been all that excited about it. I'm just being honest.....but what I have been looking forward too is the time off. Then there's the new year lol... as if miraculously all of my issues would disappear.
I'm looking forward to this change but scared that I won't follow through or be consistent.
Agghhhhh crap to heck with all this mumbo jumbo about nothing blah blah blah!
I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
From me, my daughter (who looks like my twin) and my son.