I did some drawings..

These last two days were spent home taking care of my sick son. Both of my kids slept in my bed with me for the past two nights. For some reason I can't paint with them in my space because all they do is demand my attention. Not to mention two big giant teen and pre-teen and a grown woman in a queen size bed was a recipe for disaster.

So instead of painting I pulled out the sketch book and worked on drawing faces and improving my value. Next will be my perception. So for now nothing that deviates from frontal poses if I happen to draw a full length person.

I watched a few youtube videos on how-to's when I get stuck feeling like there should be more.

Please feel free to comment and add any suggestions.

Okay now on to other things...I have been up the last two nights 'til 5am.
Which isn't very good for weight lost I keep eating late and sleeping in even later. I went to weight watchers close to my house and they weren't open yet they were supposed to be. I mean gesh! I'm tired of being fat and my dang knees hurt. So I went online and gathered some cooking light recipes from their website. I printed them out. Now I just need to get to the store.

The other thing is I'm addicted to twitter and the rest of the internet. I'd rather be packaging prints or original art and shipping out. LOL I love my free social media its has allowed me to have this lovely blog. The funny thing about this blog is it started out being all about art then it got way too personal. Now to me it lacks that personal touch. I think its because I don't want to be negative and share the darkness that I find myself being stuck in. But then I came upon a blog article I read by Don Dodge, Director of Business Development for Microsoft’s Emerging Business Team titled: Blogging has gone commercial - where are the individual voices? In the post he stated:

“Blogs used to be like online diaries for individual people to share their thoughts and observations, but that big media guys and corporate PR machines are using blogs in a big way; which has created an ideology about blogs where posts have become plugs to products, have some type of marketed branded approach or direction. Whatever happened to blogs that evoked emotion, thought, and theories that created engagement?”

Any thoughts about this?


Anonymous said…
you just can't win with everyone just write what you like...