What I've been up too...

Okay so along with wallowing in self pity, being wishy washy, and then finally motivated (for the moment).

I have been doing some extra stuff too. Work at the salon is mmmm okay but it could be better. So that being said....

I have had plenty of down time to paint and read and research and make my head hurt in the process with all the info out there.

I mentioned before that I opened a new on-line store over in 1000 Market. Never heard of it? Well neither had I so that is why I'm blogging about and trying to really promote my store over there.

I posted some of my larger pieces of art work and some of my new pendants and ACEO's. I will also be posting some of them in my etsy store as well. It just all takes some time. Below is some of the work I have posted. I have more to photograph and then upload and re-size and then upload to my store.

I must admit it is a work that I find utterly boring and repetitive. I'd much rather be painting and delegating this job to someone else.

Click on the pics and check out the store.




DSCN0874.JPG Like I said before I have more. I am going to go and take pics of them right after I finish this blog.

Also today I went window shopping for a studio space. In the Art district of Hyattsville, MD. I was really excited about the vacant spaces I saw. I want a space to still do hair and have a small gallery/studio. Kind of like a store front salon suite but with a studio.


Krista Hasson said…
They are beautiful!
suzette morrow said…
Love the one second from the bottom!