The inspiration of a dream.....

The inspiration of a dream.....

Yesterday I went and did some motivational window shopping. I mentioned previously that I wanted a space in an urban, eclectic, artsy, up and coming neighborhood. The Art District of Hyattsville, MD is just the place for my venture. I found another storefront that I liked too but this one was my favorite.

How am I going to make it happen? Well lots of prayer and research, determination, tears, and some OPM (other peoples money) banks, investor's, and silent partners just as long as it ain't the devil. Have patients I have no choice. However I do want to come close to a time line of next year this time or sooner.

This picture here is just an example of a cool place I found on-line that is no longer open for business. Too bad it was in Texas somewhere. My color schemes of course would be more in the jewel tone family but I like the lay out. The back would be where I'd house my art studio and showcase all my artwork. Of course there would be some art displayed upfront as well. Even a small work space right by the window so passer bys could see both aspects of what it is I offer.

I'm thinking in order to go along with the spirit of claiming a new space for me to be creative and produtive doing both my talents. I am going to do a painting series of fashion and beauty. As always I'll keep you guys posted.

I also posted some more work on 1000Market today so check it out and let me know what you think.

You can just click on the pictures for more information.





Anonymous said…
Fantastic plan! A perfect combo! I'm inspired by you.
Anonymous said…
pretty colors in the whimsical tree...