I took a sick day off from work. I wish I had oodles of money coming into my PayPal account so I can just take off all together the rest of the week like from now til next Wednesday. I am going to attend the church's annual women's retreat again this year. Its so nice and refreshing every time I go so I guess I'll keep up the tradition.
My head is so cluttered I can't seem to blog. My blogging mojo is missing. Between being sleep deprived because I can't turn off my head, over weight fatigue, and my children driving me crazy.
Hmmm lets see I have the live painting on Sunday. ( just realized there is no check tab) check
I'm on facebook. check
I'm back blogging. check
Now I just have to produce some art.
Then photograph it and post it on etsy and sell it.
I need to produce a new piece at least twice a week depending on the piece. I need to create some prints, some embellished some not. I also need to make some glass pendants. I have two pieces I want to use for them already.
This one is a water color sketch of something I have cooking for the live painting on Sunday. When the painting is done I think it will be a nice print to put in a glass pendant.
This one is a sexy tattooed punk that I also think would make a cool glass pendant. She also is in water color.`I have a thing for boobs. Boobs and bodacious booty. I don't know maybe I am a closet lesbian hehehe. Seriously I'm just kidding. I just think voluptuous women are sexy.
Any way that is all I have for now. However I do wonder how I'm suppose to get these big old pictures into a glass pendant tile the size of a scrabble piece. Or even its rectangle cousin.