Okay the other day I was hanging out over at Clevergirlgoesblog and she is handing out letters. The game is the ABC game and you get a letter and then name ten things you love that begin with the letter. Well my letter is "V" so here goes.
1.Violet- Its a shade of purple and we all know I love anything in the violet purple family! Its also a flower and any flower that is that color is my favorite flower. And if I ever adopt a girl (because I would have to be insane to get pregnant again) her name would be Violet.
2.Velvet- Its so soft and artsy. And not to mention it would look lovely in violet.
3.Vintage- Anything vintage clothing, shoes, purses, but mostly FURNITURE. A vintage, velvet, violet sofa would be to die for!
4.Vehicles- Mainly of the BMW persuasion like my beloved Mini Cooper may she RIP. But I'll settle for anything that runs for now.
5.Vanity- Both kinds the furniture and one of the seven deadly sins . A nice vintage vanity to sit in front of for vanity purposes.
6.Versace- Versus is a fragrance that I just absolutely love and always buy. But anything else by this designer can be a bit gaudy. Although some gaudiness is good.
7.Victoria's secret- The bras are amazing! Overpriced but yet amazing! My ninny's never looked so good!
8.Vegetables- Yep I love em! That's right I said it and not just salad but all kinds green beans, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, carrots etc etc you name it.
9.Vincent Van Gogh- He is one of my favorite legendary artist.
10.Victory!- God has the victory and with God for me no man can be against me!!!
Okay there I did it hope you like.... if you want a letter just drop me a comment and I'll assign you one in the comment section.
1.Violet- Its a shade of purple and we all know I love anything in the violet purple family! Its also a flower and any flower that is that color is my favorite flower. And if I ever adopt a girl (because I would have to be insane to get pregnant again) her name would be Violet.
2.Velvet- Its so soft and artsy. And not to mention it would look lovely in violet.
3.Vintage- Anything vintage clothing, shoes, purses, but mostly FURNITURE. A vintage, velvet, violet sofa would be to die for!
4.Vehicles- Mainly of the BMW persuasion like my beloved Mini Cooper may she RIP. But I'll settle for anything that runs for now.
5.Vanity- Both kinds the furniture and one of the seven deadly sins . A nice vintage vanity to sit in front of for vanity purposes.
6.Versace- Versus is a fragrance that I just absolutely love and always buy. But anything else by this designer can be a bit gaudy. Although some gaudiness is good.
7.Victoria's secret- The bras are amazing! Overpriced but yet amazing! My ninny's never looked so good!
8.Vegetables- Yep I love em! That's right I said it and not just salad but all kinds green beans, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, carrots etc etc you name it.
9.Vincent Van Gogh- He is one of my favorite legendary artist.
10.Victory!- God has the victory and with God for me no man can be against me!!!
Okay there I did it hope you like.... if you want a letter just drop me a comment and I'll assign you one in the comment section.