On the rare occasions that my computer works I try to take the opportunity to post a blog from it. Last night I finished my butterfly effect #2. The one on the left is acrylic painting and the right one is a prismacolor drawing. I will post the painting with a better photo and the drawing matted and framed on my website once I get it up and running again. It will also be available on Etsy soon. I think I am going to do a series of Butterflies.
They go with the larger one I did last summer. I have another 8x8 I'm working on now.

However for some strange reason I've taken a liking to big head, big eyed drawings of these martian looking women. I've even found inspiration from other artist who do drawings of these very surreal like females. So here is my version of their googaly eyed dolls.
Aren't they adorable...
Now this morning searching and snooping around on Etsy I found the cutest little big head women I've ever seen so here are some links to other artist who inspire me.
As for myself I'm still looking for my signature style. I want to be able to create out of thin air or better yet my imagination. I look at the works of some of these underground or low brow artist and get filled with so much emotion and passion. I want to co-write my own story on canvas. I also want to take it even further with some 3 dimensional work as well. So I search and dream and search and dream. All I know is this is what I believe is the next chapter in the life of RichAnt. Hair pays the bills and puts food on the table, it even inspires me to a degree. Yet lately I've been trying to plan my escape route to becoming a full-time artist and a part-time stylist. I just know how extremely important it is to not just dream but to do. Its so easy to get so caught up in my head. The dreams always come out exactly the way I want. The thing about dreams and reality is a lot of times the reality turns out even better than what I imagined.


Muppet Soul said…
Like the blog!

I love Etsy... You can find the most amazing stuff on there.

Ugh - the constant challenge. "do" instead of "dream". Working on that one myself.