An angel

Have your ever felt like you were in a situation where it wasn't nothing but an Angel sent from above that protected you.
Perhaps you needed comforting and for some reason you all of a sudden felt a since of calmness come over you. 

This piece is my version of what I have experienced all through out my adult life. Now I just know and have clarity as to what is truly going on. This particular Angel is praying for Gods people in hopes that they are ready and preparing for a time when this system of things will no longer be in place and the righteous and unrighteous are put in very uncomfortable positions to survive. 

This piece of wood has been sitting on my easel for at least three months maybe. Now that I try to create from a place that is being led by the God in me my visions or inspirations are a bit ethereal. So I have to be in a head space that is ripe for creating that type of work. Its actually a bit frustrating since I have a need to create daily. 

Anyway I did the color wash on the wood about a month ago. However out of the blue a few days ago came this image and I started sketching it straight onto the wood. Something I almost never do because its hard to remove eraser marks off the wood. But I just used a light handed touch and when I was done I went over the details with darker graphite and a heavier hand. I'm choosing to do a finished drawing because I want some of the graphite to be showcased underneath the oil paint.
