Day 12 of 30 Days With God

So a feeling of anxiety was trying to come over me so I had to get out of the house.
It's 5:56 pm I ended up at regal cinemas. 

First time I've been to the movies alone in a long time. You get so used to doing things with someone that initially you resent doing those things alone again.

I am having to fall back in love with being alone. Also remembering that I used to enjoy doing things I alone. Like movies, lunch, bookstores, cooking and going for a ride. Don't get me wrong those things are equally as wonderful with someone whose company I enjoy.
However I'm understanding the importance of being hidden in God. At first I didn't want to go back to hanging out alone because I felt as though I had failed.
That was just the enemy talking trash in my ear. Each moment alone is a wonderful opportunity to not only love on myself but to allow God to love on me as well.
