I'm in love with watercolor! I'm trying to figure out how to get it so that I can do some large scaled ones for a 16x20 canvas or watercolor paper. Watercolor tubes are so small... I must do some research but if anyone has suggestions I'm open.

Below is a picture of some art trading cards for the collectors out there. They are called ACEO's and they are the size of baseball trading cards. You can keep them in an album or make a collage.
They are now available in my Etsy store. You can even click on the pics and buy.
.Also I've have been playing around with the charcoals and that has been pretty fun also. I have even combined the two and I really like the results.

Now I've done three charcoal black and white drawings and I plan to do more abstract charcoal pieces but I'm finding as I work in this medium, that I would probably like the charcoal sticks better than the pencils or maybe both. However I am coming across some challenges using just the pencils. I know for sure if I were to do larger pieces I would use sticks.


Anonymous said…
wow your art is so pretty you are really talented.
Anonymous said…
Cool original ideas.
Really enjoy your freestyle work with water colour.
Great i found your blog