Shop Talk and Night Life

Okay I know I'm suppose to do a list about my favorite things but I may possibly need a computer geek to help me with me Laptop. Its just not acting right at all.
So for now I am blogging on my BB again.
Its Saturday and I'm in between clients. I think the shampoo assistants are back there holding the clients hostage.
I should go see what's the hold up but I'm way too lazy to walk back there. Besides then I wouldn't be here blogging to you.

When I get off work I have a few things to do. I have to get a pedicure and then a nap because I'm going out with a gentleman caller that I've been out with a few times.

Yep its the weekend and the children will be over Dads house. So I am going to hang out this weekend with the grown and sexy people. I'm even going to a X-mas party with a few girlfriends at some swanky new club. Its suppose to be a very diverse crowd.

I like this weekend life. I'm going to wear a SharylB design. You know something off the shoulder with some pretty cleavage. I think some skinny jeans and a pair of my Carlos Santana platform pumps. Then rock the whole thing with some shiny bobbles and bangles. Of course my face and hair will be fantabulous!

My date is so sweet and accommodating. These weren't our original plans but he thinks I'm such hot stuff he doesn't care about what we do as long as he is with me.

The funny thing is I invited another gentleman friend to come but hey Ultra Violet has informed me that she will be there. So she will have no problem what so ever being charming and friendly to both of them while they remain clueless.

Oh wow here comes my client! My gosh what took them so long. Ooh and where is her cape mmm mmm mmm good help is so hard to find....


Anonymous said…
I wanna weekend life :( Perhaps when i'm in my forties...
Anonymous said…
i hope the ultraviolet can run in dem stilettos, u know just in case things get a bit iffy...